Monday, August 9, 2010

Going Postal at the post office!

I now know why people go in the post office and shoot the place up! They better be glad I wasn't packing heat today! So my morning was going just fine. I checked online to see when the post office opened up and it said 8:30 and since Landon woke me up at 6:30am this morning I was all ready to go with everyone fed and  dressed by 8:25am this morning. So I grab both my packages and make my merry way out the door with all 3 kids and having a nice drive listening to Norah Jones. I pull in and I'm like, sweet there is no one else here. Wonderful no lines! So I tell the kids to wait in the car. ( Don't Judge, this is the post office in Gray. You pull right up to the door and you can see the van right out the window. Oh and I left the car running so it wouldn't get hot too!)  So I go in there plop my packages on the counter and he weighs the first one and tells me the price, I'm like ok. So this is when the story turns bad. He takes the other one and weighs it. He tells me the price and I'm like WHAT THE HECK! You see the first box was a shoe box with some treats inside that I taped up with a paper bag.  The second one "the problem box" was a used post office flat rate box. I didn't think it was going to be an issue. I just thought that since I didn't buy the box there that he could just weigh it and charge me the weight of the box and not the flat rate crap. He then went on to tell me that the boxes are free and your only charged when you use them. This box had already been used too! They sure are making some money off these boxes. I was thinking to myself that I might just swing by every post office in town and load up on some big boxes when it's time to move. Hey they're free right? I went on to tell him that it was media mail because I was mailing a 14 year old girl a whole bunch of extra Jane Austen novels I had. You know just trying to do a good deed and crap. Oh and for those that don't know media mail is a whole lot cheaper than standard mail. So when he first put the "problem package" on the scale he said it was going to be over $10 to mail. And when I said if it was in a box from home how much with media mail would it be? It was only going to be $3 bucks. Ok so you can see why I was getting angry. That's a big difference for us broke folks. So I told him well can I just mark out the post office lingo on the box and he said no. Now I do Keep a Sharpe in my car and I was more than happy to go and cross it out. You see the post office has signs that say if your package has extra writing on it that all you have to do is cross it out with a marker. Well I guess that just applies to "other" boxes and not theirs. So I said well so you have any extra brown paper I can wrap around this. He said no. But he said I can purchase some. Really Guy do you really think I'm going to give yall any extra money????  When did the post office started making commission anyways!?!So I said listen I have  3 kids in the car, so you mean I have to drive back to my house and wrap this up? He said yes. WHAT A JACK A$$! I said fine and I started storming out of there and he said mam you need to pay for this other package. Ugggggg! I turned back around payed for it and it they didn't have stinking swinging doors I would have slammed the door! LOL So I get back in the car and drive all the back home grab a brown paper bag cut it up and wrap it around the "problem package" and drive back with Landon crying because now it is time for his morning nap. On the way back I am just steaming mad! I have all these thoughts that are in my head on what I will do or say when I get back in there. Like hmmm maybe I will just unleash my kids on that place and they can just destroy it while I'm standing in line. Boxes and supplies everywhere that would be great! The mental thought just made me smile. But back to reality I didn't want to purchase insurance on my package so I thought that it wouldn't be a good idea to do that. They might just accidentally lose my package or something. So I went back in there threw my package on the counter and said here it's wrapped up! He goes to weigh it and tells me that it's $3 dollars I take my debit card out pay and I sitting there showing him my ID again and he says, smartly " oh don't worry you don't have to show me that I remember you". I just wanted to tell him you better remember me mister I might not be so nice next time. So now you see why I got so mad. I also see that since this is a Govt ran business that is going bankrupt that I hope he doesn't get his cushy retirement! This is what we have to look forward to with our new health care soon people. Long lines, people with attitude and a whole lot of extra paper work that you have to go through to get anything done! Yay for no customer service!


  1. and that's why I love the kiosks at the post office. granted there are some times you can't use them but I love the day they put those in!

  2. Wow Leah, that sucks! Damn the Post Office, damn they all to heck!

  3. Amen and Amen! I hate the post office, I hate the workers behind the counter and you are absolutely right with the health care stuff you stuck in there.
