Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

We have this family at church whose son died in a boating accident a couple of years ago. On Sunday the husband bore his testimony about this video and the accident that happened to his own family. Both this video and my friend that bore his testimony brought tears to my eyes. I hope that one day I too can forgive others like the man in the video and become more like Christ.  I have not had anything even close to this happening to me but yet I struggle sometimes when someone wrongs me. I know that it is something I need to work on and I know that after watching this that I really need to step up. What a great example this man is. He truly understands the Atonement.
*Please copy the link below and paste it in your browser.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Leah. Brought tears to my eyes... I know it's something that we can all do better at =) Love ya girl
