Friday, August 13, 2010

Chocolate popcorn!

NO, your eyes are not deceiving you this popcorn is green! We  love this popcorn. You can do it in any color you want. My Kids like the green that way it is "monster" popcorn. My kids love it so much I have to cut them off and eat the rest myself. LOL! I hope yall enjoy this easy tasty treat!

3 Popped bags of microwave popcorn (I like butter flavor)
1 1b of melting chocolate
food coloring ( any color)
salt to taste

Pop the 3 bags of popcorn
Next melt the chocolate in  the microwave, melting in 45 sec intervals mixing between melting
After chocolate is done melting you can add any color of food coloring you like. Or you can just leave it white.
Place half the popcorn in a very large bowl.
Dump half of the chocolate into the popcorn bowl and mix well.
Dump the remaining popcorn on top and pour the rest of the chocolate over the popcorn.
While mixing the popcorn sprinkle salt on, so you get that sweet and salty flavor.
Mix until popcorn is covered with chocolate.
let the popcorn set before serving.
* do not put the popcorn in the fridge, it will stick to the side of the bowl.


  1. So question......"melting chocolate" is always brown when I get it. So does the food coloring work on brown or do you get white chocolate?

  2. you get the white melting chocolate. But if you want to do brown chocolate you can, but you can't add any color to it.

  3. I love chocolate covered popcorn..the whole sweet and salty thing..YUM! This is going to sound weird but it's weirdly know those cheese puffs? The ones by cheetos brand but they look like popcorn? Get those and put white chocolate on them...yum!!

  4. yum Megan I might have to try that too!
