Saturday, February 19, 2011

Praline Bacon, Egg and Swiss Cheese Sandwich

I decided to concoct a Breakfast Sandwich with my Praline bacon. I took that first bite and crossed my eyes it was so good. I looked over at my husband and told him I felt like I was cheating on him with this! He laughed and took a bite and said, " yes I can see that". LOL I hope you enjoy this cheating on your man (or woman) breakfast sandwich.


1 1/2 slc of praline bacon (please refer to my praline bacon recipe on how to make it)
2 slc Texas toast
1 egg, fried over easy
1 slc Swiss cheese
butter or margarine for toast


1) Cook the Praline bacon according to my previous recipe post ( or you can also find it here)

2) Heat a frying pan over med-heat. Butter one side of each Texas toast. 
3) Place both Texas toast butter side down in pan. Place 1 slice of Swiss Cheese on one of the toast. Toast the bread until cheese in melted and the bread has a good toast on the butter side. Take off the pan and place open faced on a plate. 
4) Fry an egg on med-heat over easy. Place the fried egg on top of melted cheese. Cut the bacon in half and place the 3 strips in rows. Place the other slice of bread on top of bacon slices to make a breakfast sandwich. ENJOY!

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