Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We moving on up, to the south a deeeluxe apartment in the skyyyy....

Well ok we aren't moving to a deluxe apartment in the sky, but anytime I hear someone say that they are moving, that song from the Jefferson's pops in my head. I can't help myself but sing it. We are however moving further south!!! YAY! Josh got a job in Montgomery, AL working for the state at the department of revenue. I have lived there once before in my life. I was actually born there and lived there till I was one. I wouldn't say I was from there. But I do claim Alabama as my home state since I have lived in 3 different cities there growing up. Josh starts on Oct. 18th.  The kids and I will be staying here till the house sells. I pray that it will sell quickly. I am just so happy to know where the next chapter of our lives begin. Being closer to both of our families and the temple is a nice bonus too!


  1. It's soooo awesome. I bet you're excited to be closer to family. Change is always fun and exciting too. Now, do you think AL is ready for all your home-cookin'-goodness?
