Friday, September 17, 2010

Say What???

So yall that know me, know that I am a true southerner. I have lived in the South my whole life. We southerners have a different way of speaking so I thought that it would be fun to do a contest and a give away. I will be giving away some southern things and of course some Sweet Thangs too! So the rules are you write the real word(s) that you think I'm trying to say in the comment section. But you can not peek at anyone else's answers.  You also have to become a fan of Sweet Thangs Confectionaries. All you have to do is click on the Sweet Thangs link and click the  LIKE button. I will be checking back in a couple of days to pick a winner. If you do not live near by I will mail you the package so please enter!

1. Cayut

2. Yontny

3. Ahr

4. Nachur

5. Usta

6. Daints

7.  Fahn

8. Gummut

9.  Quar

10.  Shair


  1. And I have officially been out of the South for too long. There are only a couple I think I know, I'm so disappointed in myself.. :)
    By the way.... this reminds me of playing Mad Gab.

    1. cat
    4. Nature
    5. Used too
    7. fan

  2. Ok, I grew up in the south so I should be able to get all these but I don't think I got them all. I am filipino after all and wasn't born here. hehehe
    1. Cute
    2. Want any?
    3. hour
    4. Not sure
    5. Used to
    6. nachur about this one. Didn't???
    7. hmmmm. Fine, maybe.'t
    9. Choir
    10. Shower??
