Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A good Wife always knows her place....

I remember years ago when I first saw this. All I could do was laugh at how unrealistic it all was. I thought how could any woman ever act like this or allow their man to expect this?!? Thanks goodness times have changed because I probably would have never gotten married or had walked around with a permenant black eye for not obeying.  I really hope that this article was only a joke but you never know. I wanted to share this with y'all because I figured we could all use a good laugh!
This is supposedly from a 1955 House Keeping Monthly magazine. Thanks goodness I don't have to do this for my man!

Keep scrolling down to see what it says:

1 comment:

  1. There goes my good wife status. :) I do however agree with a few of those points.... thanks to an eye opening book by Dr Laura Slechinger (sp) The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands.
